Hair is simple in structure, but has important functions in social functioning. Hair is made of a tough protein called keratin. A hair follicle anchors each hair into the skin. The hair bulb forms the base of the hair follicle. In the hair bulb, living cells divide and grow to build the hair shaft. Blood vessels nourish the cells in the hair bulb, and deliver hormones that modify hair growth and structure at different times of life.
Hair growth occurs in cycles consisting of three phases:
*Anagen (growth phase): Most hair is growing at any given time. Each hair spends several years in this phase.
*Catagen (transitional phase): Over a few weeks, hair growth slows and the hair follicle shrinks.
*Telogen (resting phase): Over months, hair growth stops and the old hair detaches from the hair follicle. A new hair begins the growth phase, pushing the old hair out.
Hair grows at different rates in different people; the average rate is around one-half inch per month. Hair color is created by pigment cells producing melanin in the hair follicle. With aging, pigment cells die, and hair turns gray.
Best 6 Oils To Use For Your Natural
Natural Oils are a significant and necessary part of healthy hair care they have a variety of benefits and are so important to hair growth because they provide the slip and protection our hair needs to maintain its moisture and prevent breakage. Oils can be categorized in many ways but for the purpose of this article the two categories used will be Penetrating oils and Coating oils.
Penetrating Oils – Put simply penetrating oils are oils that have the ability to enter the cortex of the hair shaft
1. Coconut Oil – Once coconut oil enters the hair shaft it actually has the ability to patch and protect the hair from the inside out. It is light in weight and non greasy and one of the highest recommended oil for promoting healthy hair. It’s an excellent conditioner, helps prevent dandruff and is wonderful for scalp massages
2. Olive Oil– A light oil that also penetrates the hair shaft. Main benefits include sealing, reducing split ends, strengthening hair from the inside out, and conditioning. Olive oil can be added to shampoo to protect the hair from getting stripped it is also great as a pre conditioning treatment before shampoo (prepoo).
3. Avocado Oil– Comprised of beneficial nutrients such as vitamin A, E and D, protein, copper, magnesium, iron, folic acid, and amino acids. All these nutrients are vital for hair growth and health; it also conditions the hair and helps with moisture retention.
Coating Oils- These oils Do not have the ability to penetrate the hair shaft, however they sit just outside and ‘seal’ whatever the shaft has in it, this could be water or hydrolyzed protein. These oils are high in polyunsaturated fats which cannot be absorbed by the hair shaft
4. Castor Oil - This is heavy oil that is one of the best sealants because of its structure. It conditions the hair giving it the strength and resilience it needs to stand up to daily care. It promotes hair growth, moisturizes the hair, hair appears thicker with consistent use, and helps tames frizz.
5. Grape Seed oil– Also known as a carrier oil for other essential oils, in other words you can add any strong essential oil that may need to be diluted to grape seed oil. Grape Seed Oil is used to nourish the scalp, prevent against dandruff, it contains Vitamin E and linoleic acid and can also be used as a natural heat protectant due to its properties.
6. Jojoba Oil- the structure of jojoba oil is the closest to the makeup of the sebum that is naturally produced from the scalp. This makes the oil highly superior for nourishing the scalp; it has anti bacterial properties which keeps the scalp and hair healthy
Biotin is a common vitamin in nature that is naturally found in very small amounts. (It can be found at your local GNC, vitamin wolrd Walgreens, Walmart, Family Dollar are online also avaliable @ Eve's Garden) It has been found to significantly aid hair growth and overall hair health. Biotin is often prescribed for those suffering hair loss or brittle hair. There are several things that biotin can do for your hair, and it is widely available in a number of formats. Drinking plenty of water will help signifiantly aided in clearr skin, and fast hair growth!
The main reason biotin is good for hair is that it strengthens both hair follicles and the hair shaft, where the hair is produced. When taken as part of a regular regimen, hair that has been treated with biotin will be stronger. As a result, hair will be less prone to breakage and will contain fewer split ends.
Growth Rate
In addition to helping strengthen hair, biotin also helps hair grow faster. Since one of the chief things that slows hair growth is damaged hair. Hair that has been strengthened with biotin can grow at a fast, healthy rate because the shaft as well as the follicle are strong and can handle a rapid rate of growth.
I Have done all the research trial and error for my dolls on EVERYTHING you need to know about hair and growing it !